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Nikki Haley: “Political Prostitute”

By Stephen Lendman

September 09, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - She’s a neocon Ziofascist geopolitical know-nothing – the most unqualified ever US UN envoy, an embarrassment to the position she holds.

Paul Craig Roberts calls her an “imbecile,” “mindless” and “stupid…the total antithesis of a diplomat.”

Reportedly she’s Trump’s choice to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, his departure likely by year end or sooner.

Clearly he wants out. He erred taking the job, the former ExxonMobil CEO sidelined to irrelevancy, hawkish generals in charge of US geopolitical policies.

Haley is a brainless Hillary clone, a recklessly dangerous hawk, militantly anti-Russia, cheerleading America’s wars of aggression, threatening Iran and North Korea.

In response to her arrogantly and brainlessly claiming the DPRK is “begging for war,” its KCNA news agency responded sharply on Friday as follows, saying:

US UN envoy “Nikki Haley, a political prostitute, has kicked off a hysteric fit, exasperated by the DPRK’s nuclear weaponization that has reached its final phase.”

“At an urgent UN Security Council meeting on Sept. 4, she hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK, stunning the world public.”

“Nikki should be careful with her tongue though she might be a blind fool. The US administration will have to pay a dear price for her tongue-lashing.”

Claiming DPRK “misuse of missile and nuclear weapon (along with) begging for a war” is part of Washington’s scheme to impose unacceptably tough new sanctions on the country, designed to cripple its economy. China and Russia oppose this deplorable extremism.

America, not Pyongyang, is begging for war, Haley a diabolical cheerleader, a dangerous fool unqualified for any public position.

Imagine the more prominent platform she’ll have if appointed secretary of state. She should be sacked, not promoted.

The possibility of war on the Korean peninsula going nuclear should terrify everyone. Inflexible US policies and reckless threats make the unthinkable possible.

A Final Comment

On Saturday, North Korea’s Foreign Affairs Vice Minister said the following in response to hostile US threats:

“We will not take even a step back from the road of our option but keep bolstering the nuclear deterrence for self-defense to defend our government and people from the US nuclear war threat.

“The US should never forget the position of the DPRK as a full-fledged nuclear power possessed of ICBM together with A-bomb and H-bomb, and the DPRK will keep watching every move of the US.”

Visit Stephens website: www.stephenlendman.org  (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. - My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html - Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network.





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