The Policy of Creative Chaos: America’s Project for a “Middle-East Holocaust”

By Mark Taliano

June 03, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - The Project for a New Middle East[1] is a Project for a New Holocaust.  It is happening now.  The policy of “Creative Chaos”[2] underpins the holocaust.  Empire willfully destroys the sovereignty and territorial integrity of prey nations such as Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and beyond. Genocidal ethnic cleansing, mass murder and destruction are described benignly as “chaos” and as “creative”.

Empire deploys meticulously planned strategies to fabricate sectarian and ethnic divides, and to balkanize prey nations. The notion, as expressed by Condoleeza Rice, that the Middle East should be divided into a “Sunni Belt” and a “Shia Belt”[3] objectifies peoples, diminishes their humanity, turns them into fictional “stock characters” defined exclusively by perceived religious affiliations, and deliberately fabricates ethnic and religious tensions, all of which serve as preconditions for imperialists to create chaos and the disintegration of strong nation-states into fractious vassal states, devoid of self-determination and sovereignty.

Empire sees non-compliant, self-governing, secular, pluralist, multi-confessional, democratic states as enemies. Syria is all of the above, and therefore an “enemy”. Empire further destroys the “host” when it “opens the veins” of prey countries for resource plundering and criminal occupation. The oil-rich, strategically-located area East of the Euphrates is one such example.


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