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Russia Did It Again – Chasing the Bounty Hunters

By Peter Koenig

July 04, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - Russia did it again. This time Moscow is accused of “paying to kill Americans”. How criminal!

Such things only Americans would do – Washington, the Pentagon, CIA…. Because killing and have killed is in their mindset and bloodstream. That’s what criminals do: They project their own crimes onto others.

The latest NYT reporting is, “It’s not the Taliban that were offered a ‘bounty’ for killing American / NATO soldiers, but Afghan criminals.” The NYT admits to a mistake in their reporting – a mistake that had already been confirmed by another two media traitors, the WaPo and the WSJ? – Com-on, NYT! You are openly disclosing that you are a cheat?

Preceding its latest lie, the New York Times (NYT) reported on several consecutive days over the last week that “US Intel” found out that Russia had paid Afghan Taliban to kill American soldiers and their NATO allies in Afghanistan.

No substantiation whatsoever.

WaPo and WSJ have “confirmed” accuracy of the NYT story – also with no substantiation, no evidence whatsoever.

All lies.

How long, and how often can Washington get away with flagrant – every time more flagrant lies – and people believe it, or at least pay attention and think to themselves – if these “reputed” (sic-sic) so-called “news-outlets” say it – there must a smoking gun.

There is no smoking gun.

These papers have zero, zilch ‘smoking guns’ – they are inventing, slandering, lying – its pure defamation of a sovereign nation, in this case Russia. To every thinking mind, it’s clear that nothing would be farther from the Russian Government’s intentions than inciting anyone to kill American soldiers. That’s not Russian style. In fact, it’s not the style of most nations. But IT IS the style of the United States, of Washington, of the occupants of the White House. These people should be criminally pursued and prosecuted for what they are doing.

What’s worse, much worse, is that even progressive pundits from unaligned online-media – are getting up in arms every time a lie of this sort emerges either against Russia or against China. They feel obligated having to justify their “raison d’être” by elaborating and explaining even the most deliberate and obvious falsehood as what it is in the first place – a blatant lie.

By doing so, they lend this circus even more creditability.

It deserves none whatsoever, and should be just silenced into oblivion, by being ignored.

As Russia is doing. Russia largely ignores it. Why respond to a lie?

However, you should know, what is known in psychology is that those who repeatedly and ever and ever again, accuse others of lying or of crimes they allegedly committed, without providing any substantiation, they are themselves prone to commit precisely what they accuse others of being guilty of. Just look at the accuser, the US of A and her vassalic allies – and you know that this simple piece of ancient psychological wisdom has not lost its validity.

See also the “RussiaGate hoax” – the Russian influence in US election, Russian “hacking” of US elections.

For thinking people these are the most ludicrous accusations one can imagine. A lie many times reported on, and exposed as a lie, not least by the Mueller Report. Yet, it still hasn’t gone away – and is brought up again and again, all with one purpose, actually a dual purpose by the so-called US Democrats – the other dirty face of the same heinous head, to bash Russia and to unseat President Trump. Not necessarily in that order.

Why bring it up then?

Not to undo an obvious lie. Of course not. But in the hope to awake the public at large into shedding these illustrious lie-media, like the Washpost, NYT, WSJ, The Guardian, to name but a few, plus all the related TV networks, who scream in unison “The Russians Did it Again”.

It’s only YOU, the people, who can silence the lies, by ignoring these prominent and outright false news outlets’ messages and their constant deceptions, and by getting the news from alternative on-line sources.

It’s not for nothing that the “deep state” – or the powers that be – try desperately to silence these truth-seeking and truth-propagating media, by closing them down, by hacking them, by obnoxiously and unconstitutionally censuring them.

The Zuckerbergs, Bezos, Fords, Rockefellers, Gates….. of this world have all the means and money to tell the media what to write, report, and what to show to you, the people. They do it on behalf of the invisible “deep dark state”.

Almost always with the purpose of brainwashing you into believing a lie.

If this lie is believed by enough people, it gives them – the deep state, the destructive powers that be – the power to carry out the action that is justified by the lie, i.e. going to war, forge regime change, or outright assassinate an uncomfortable leader.

It is time to wake up, friends.

The clock is not stopping. And we keep sliding towards disaster without apparently noticing. And that’s the way “they” want it.

See the light and shred the lie-supported cocoon of comfort – you – and we as a people in solidarity, will begin feeling much better, a purpose in life.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO); RT; Countercurrents, Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press; The Saker Blog, the and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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