Golden Silences in the Propaganda System
By Edward S. Herman
Thousands of bodies lie on
the ground after the Kibelho Massacre, photo by George Gittoes
May 31, 2015 "Information
Clearing House" - "ZMag"
- Propaganda shapes the flow of information in many different ways, including,
obviously, the choice of the news fit to print, its placement, and the selection
of authorities to make those facts credible. But equally important, and implicit
in news choices, especially where there are political interests at stake and
possible varying interpretations of the news, is omitting facts and ignoring
sources that call the chosen (often official) perspective into question. Such
Golden Silences and bypassing of inconvenient sources is incompatible with
honest journalism but is standard operating procedure in mainstream journalism,
with variations mainly in severity and depth of burial of the awkward facts.
These latter are often not completely hidden but put so deep in an article and
in such cautious or qualifying language as to be effectively buried or
This is dramatically illustrated when we compare the treatment
of “worthy” and “unworthy” victims, categories that Noam Chomsky and I stressed
in Manufacturing Consent. (Chapter 2 is entitled “Worthy and Unworthy
Victims.”) Worthy victims are victims of enemy and target states, whereas
unworthy victims are killed by us or one of our allies or clients. We gave
details on the huge media attention to the murder of a Polish priest in
Communist Poland in 1984, a single worthy victim who, as we showed, got more
U.S. media attention than 100 religious victims of U.S. client states in Latin
America (1965- 1985), taken together. The latter were treated as unworthy by
virtue of the client status of the killers, although 8 of the 100 were actually
U.S. citizens. Rwanda has provided a stream of cases of worthy and unworthy
victimhood. Paul Kagame and his Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) were (and remain)
U.S. clients serving U.S. power-projection aims in the Great Lakes region of
Africa. He has therefore had a free hand to kill, which he has done so lavishly
in both Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), that his victim
toll runs into the millions (see Herman and Peterson, Enduring Lies: The
Rwanda Genocide in the Propaganda System, 20 Years Later, Real News Books,
2014, chapters 4 and 9). His killings of this vast number of unworthy victims
have been given the Golden Silence treatment, and he has been portrayed in the
United States, Britain, and Canada as a savior against “Hutu Power” violence, a
genuine miracle of successful upside-down propaganda.
In September 1994, after Kagame had won his war of conquest in
Rwanda, a State Department memo indicated that Kagame’s forces were killing Hutu
civilians at the rate of some 10,000 per month. This memo had no effect on
Kagame-supportive U.S. policy and was never picked up by the mainstream media.
Imagine what would have happened if such a memo had described the behavior of
the Iranian, North Korean, Russian, or Venezuelan governments. Another Golden
Silence on Rwanda was displayed recently, with the 20th anniversary of the
massacre at Kibelho, a Hutu refugee camp in south Rwanda. This took place mainly
between April 19 and 23, 1995, but continued somewhat later as refugees fled the
camp. This was long after the Rwanda Patriotic Front had conquered Rwanda, but
with many displaced Hutu still housed in refugee camps—perhaps as many as
100,000 in Kibelho. The Kagame government decided to close this and other
refugee camps and force the refugees to return to their home towns. This was
accompanied by a slaughter, by gunfire, grenades, mortars, and artillery,
watched in horror by a contingent of 32 UN-assigned Australian medics and
soldiers. Australian Terry Pickard wrote in his memoir Combat Medic: “We could
only hope the RPA [Rwandan Patriotic Army] would let us leave after what we had
just witnessed. They had just murdered thousands of unarmed, starving, thirsty
and helpless men, women, and children. Even babies had not b9uyeen spared. Some
of those who had survived the lethal onslaught of 50 caliber machine guns, AK47
rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and mortars were ruthlessly hunted down and
bayoneted to death where they lay injured.”
The Australians tried to save some Hutu, but were forced by
numbers and UN rules to merely observe. A photo taken by one of them shows a
vast field of dead bodies and, in the aftermath, at UN instruction, some of them
went out with pace-counters to count the dead bodies. They reached 4,000 and
felt that they had covered less than half of the killing toll when their count
was called off by RPF pressure. Several of them estimated that the full count
would run to 8,000 or more (see Hugh Riminton, “Rwandan massacre still a burden
for Diggers,” Herald Sun, Australia, April 20, 2015). The UN, however,
eventually put out an estimate of 2,000. This lower estimate was preferred by
the mainstream media. The New York Times, for example, repeated the
phrase “as many as 2,000” in their modest news and editorial coverage throughout
April and May 1995.
This massacre, like the September 1994 slaughter memo, had no
effect on U.S. or UN policy toward the Rwandan government and has essentially
disappeared from Rwandan history in the West, except in Australia. With the 20th
anniversary of the Kibelho massacre on April 22, 2015 (the biggest killing day),
there was not one article or editorial on that event in the U.S. or UK
mainstream media. This was clearly Golden Silence territory, with Kagame still a
U.S. client and celebrated in the West as a savior of Rwanda, an African “Abe
Lincoln” in Philip Gourevitch’s warped vision.
Only in Australia, where the Medic team had suffered as
helpless observers of the mass killing, were there a number of media accounts of
the Kibelho events. Several of these were moving and dramatic (e.g., reports
entitled “The killings just went on and on”; “Our time in hell on earth”; books
like Kevin O’Halloran, Pure Murder and Paul Jordan, The Easy Day
Was Yesterday); but the drama and authenticity of these reports could not
breach the Golden Silence in the United States.
It is notable that the estimated possibly 8,000 or more at
Kibelho is the same as the mainstream’s oft-repeated number for victims of the
Srebrenica massacre, which took place in the same year and only a few months
after Kibelho (from July 11, 1995 on). Of course a profound difference in the
two cases is that the Srebrenica massacre was carried out by Bosnian Serbs, who,
along with the Milosevic government of Serbia, were declared villains and
targets of the United States and NATO. It follows that the Srebrenica victims
were worthy and that the U.S/ NATO-dominated UN and its arm the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) would pursue the villains
responsible for the massacre. And the mainstream media of the West would
regularly feature this episode, with July 11 of each year a time to remind
Western publics of the horrors of the Srebrenica massacre, with articles about
it and photos showing graves and grieving family members, and reiterating the
lesson to be learned on the need for early and vigorous humanitarian
intervention. There is also a propensity to inflate the numbers of worthy
victims at Srebrenica, in contrast with the treatment of the number of unworthy
victims at Kibelho, which, as noted, was quickly reduced by the UN and media
from possibly 8,000 or more to “as many as 2,000.” With Srebrenica, although
body counts have never supported a figure of 8,000 executed, that number was
produced early and has been maintained up to the present as an act of faith and
for its political serviceability (one can never have too many worthy victims).
The high Srebrenica executions toll has also been helped by
other bits of Golden Silence methodology. One is the burying of the fact that
many bodies recovered in Eastern Bosnia- Herzegovina were almost surely of men
killed in combat, which raged in the Srebrenica vicinity and beyond from around
July 11 for some days thereafter as several thousand Bosnian Muslim soldiers of
their 28th division fled the town and tried to reach Muslim safe territory at
Tuzla. In a study of the forensic reports produced by ICTY experts on the 1,920
bodies in 20 mass graves exhumed between 1996 and 2001, forensic analyst Ljubisa
Simic showed convincingly that the injuries in at least half of the cases point
to combat deaths. In a coup of Western propaganda, however, these combat deaths
are ignored and all bodies found in the vicinity are taken as victims of
Victims of genocide
lie in graves throughout Rwanda
The task of getting the numbers of victims up to that
long-standing target of 8,000 has turned more recently to the DNA identification
of bodies. A figure of 6,924 is the July 2014 total put forward by the
International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) based on this methodology.
Apart from the fact that this Commission is not truly “international” but is
dominated by the United States and Bosnian Muslim authorities, those offering
this new claim have refused to allow its methodology to be checked and verified
by independent and defense analysts. And, while the forensic data on bodies
allows some limited judgments on the cause and possible time of death, DNA tells
us nothing on these matters or anything about the place of its occurrence. The
main witness for the ICTY on the Srebrenica massacre was an alleged participant,
the Croatian Drazen Erdemovic. He was badly compromised by a mercenary
background, the circumstances of his participation in the killings, and
contradictions in testimony, but he was willing to implicate high Bosnian Serb
authorities and hence was protected by the ICTY prosecutors and judges and kept
almost completely free of serious cross-examination. A compelling study of
Erdemovic’s history, role, and protection by the ICTY was written by the
journalist Germinal Civikov (Srebrenica: The Star Witness, Belgrade, 2010). This
is a devastating critique of the man and the ICTY, but although copies were made
available to mainstream Western media, including Marlise Simons of the New
York Times, this book was given the full Golden Silence treatment.
Another element of Golden Silence as regards Srebrenica is the
blackout of background facts that would make ruthless Serb treatment of
prisoners comprehensible. Although Srebrenica was a Security Council-designated
“safe area” protected from attack, that designation also required that it be
disarmed. This did not happen, and from 1992 into July 1995, incursions by
Bosnian Muslim cadres, led primarily by local commander Naser Oric, attacked
many Serb inhabited towns and killed several thousand Serb civilians.
Lt. Colonel Thomas Karremans, who
commanded the Dutch battalion in Srebrenica in 1995, stated on July 23, 1995
that, “We know that in the area surrounding the Srebrenica enclave alone, 192
villages were razed to the ground and all the villagers killed.” UN Sarajevo
Commander Philippe Mori- llon was asked directly by Judge Patrick Robinson of
the ICTY, whether what happened in Srebrenica in July 1995 “was a direct
reaction to what Naser Oric did to the Serbs two years before?” To which
Morillon replied, “Yes your honor, I am convinced of that.” This was not picked
up in the mainstream U.S. media. (For a fuller account, see George Bogdanich,
“Prelude to the Capture of Srebrenica,” in Herman, ed., The Srebrenica
Massacre: Evidence, Context, Politics, Alphabet Soup, 2011.) In short, the
background context, interfering as it did with the demonization process and
U.S.-NATO war plans, was ignored by the mainstream media.
It is not that the media black out history in every case. In
fact, in connection with the recent Baltimore police killing and riots, an
editorial in the New York Times was entitled “What Came Before
Baltimore’s Riots” (April 29, 2015). Here the editors’ liberal policy stance
made a focus on context and root causes permissible. With Srebrenica the
demonization and regime change agenda disallowed balance and inconvenient
context. This is commonplace in mainstream media coverage of foreign policy, and
is dramatically evident in the treatment of the demonized Putin and the Ukraine
conflict. where a Russian expert like Stephen Cohen, who wants to talk about the
Russian-NATO background and root causes, cannot get as much opinion or news
space as the Russian Pussy Riot members, who want to denounce Putin.
Edward S.
Herman is an economist, media critic, and author of numerous articles and books
on media and foreign policy.