Trump Uses ISIS to Legitimize US Occupation of the Middle East

Speech of the Hezbollah Secretary General

By Hassan Nasrallah



February 04, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - [...] I also want (to raise) another point about this, (that is) the persistent conceit, morgue, arrogance, contempt and racism of the United States through the Trump administration and the statements that we have heard. As for Muslims and Islam, he has spared them no insult during the presidential campaign and after he won the elections. And his insistence on using the term "Islamic terror" is one of the most blatant evidence of his great hostility to Islam.
There is no such thing as "Islamic terror".

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For example, would it be acceptable on our side, that a Muslim proclaims that the use of atomic weapons in Japan by the United States, in Hiroshima and elsewhere constitutes "Christian terror"? All the killings in the past and up to now by the United States in many parts of the world, because they are Christians, can we say that it is "Christian terror"? We refuse to characterize the US terrorism as "Christian terror". We refuse it (categorically). [In an earlier speech, Hassan Nasrallah said the same thing about Israel, reminding that Hezbollah always denunces "Zionist terror" and not "Jewish Terror"].
This is not excessive zeal to please the Christians. If we said that this was Christian terror, we would be unfair to Christians and the Christian religion. (I do not say that) to please the Christians. But Christians must also reject the term ("Islamic terror"), and I claim that Trump deliberately describes terrorism as "Islamic". He does not say, for example, the "takfiri terror" or "Wahhabi terror", because they are his agents, his allies. He does not say "terrorism x or y", he keeps saying (on purpose) "Islamic terror" to smear Islam, Muslims and the Prophet of Islam, describing them as (inherently) terrorists.
Well, today I say more regarding Muslims: in addition to the insult addressed at 1.4 billion Muslims and hundreds of millions of Christians with the issue of Al-Quds (Jerusalem, recognized capital of Israel), (Trump) starts insulting African countries and Haiti, with the degrading words he used against these peoples ["Shitholes countries"]. 
This is a continuation of the fatuity and morgue, of the arrogance of the United States, which some consider the (power) that solves problems in the world, that guarantees respect for law, justice and human rights... If the President of this country is a racist, hateful, arrogant man, contemptuous of the human kind, the children of Adam, because of their color, language, religion or geographical region, on whom do these pro-American rely? [...]



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