The Catholic Church Fails Sexual Abuse Victims

By Dr. César Chelala

October 15, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  Pope Francis’ acceptance of the resignation of Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl had raised hopes that an important step had been taken in the sexual abuse cases plaguing the Catholic Church. However, by praising Cardinal Wuerl’s service to the church, and keeping him as the archdiocese’s caretaker until he appointed his successor, Pope Francis gave a step backwards and disappointed many sexual abuse victims.

According to a Pennsylvania grand jury report on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church released last August, six Pennsylvania dioceses accused Cardinal Wuerl of helping to protect some priests that molested children while he was Bishop of Pittsburgh from 1988 to 2006. The report said Cardinal Wuerl had accepted the advice of psychologists in allowing priests accused of sexually abusing children to remain in the ministry.

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