Trump's Grotesque Distortions of the Migrant Caravan and the Reality at the Border

By Fernando Garcia

October 24, 2018 "Information Clearing House" -  President Trump’s words rarely reflect reality, especially when it comes to immigration. He uses grotesque and inhumane rhetoric to turn families who are fleeing horrific violence and poverty in Central America into a sinister fever dream.

Take the caravan of migrants currently traveling north from Honduras and Guatemala. Citing no evidence at all, Trump on Monday claimed there were “criminals and Middle Easterners” mixed into the group, in a blatant effort to stoke more xenophobia and fear.

In fact, the stream of roughly 7,000 people is made up mostly of ordinary men, women and children — part of a long tradition of families coming to the United States to make their lives better and in the process make our society richer.

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