This Lie Called Democracy

By Philip A Farruggio

January 01, 2019 "Information Clearing House"   Well, another year stumbles out the door and a new one is pushed in. This procedure is emulated by the consistency of this lie we call democracy.

Everybody participates in it.

The politicians who need the lie to get them into office.. and keep them there;

The embedded in empire media, especially the electronic mainstream  ‘so called’ news shows (with models, actors and actresses making millions posing as journalists);

The stalwarts of these two ‘servants of empire’ Republican and Democratic parties; and last but surely not least many of my friends and neighbors who still buy into the lie.

Let me be as clear as a  rare smog less big city day: So long as we continue to allow private money into electoral politics, there will never be the foundation for a true democracy… Period!

Just imagine if wealthy interests could not openly bribe politicians with campaign donations. Perhaps maybe then we could see some semblance of economic justice and a healthier public.

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