Codepink Disrupts Venezuela’s Illegitimate ‘US Ambassador’

By Ben Norton

February 22, 2019 "Information Clearing House" Anti-war activists disrupted an event in Washington, DC featuring Carlos Vecchio, the illegitimate “US ambassador” appointed by Venezuela’s right-wing coup regime and its Trump-selected leader Juan Guaidó.

CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin walked on stage at the February 21 event and grabbed the mic: “These people are a fraud. They don’t represent the Venezuelan people. They are representing the US-orchestrated coup,” she said.

“These people here want to take Venezuela to a path of civil war and US intervention,” Benjamin continued.

Vecchio, who was educated in and later defected to the United States, co-founded Venezuela’s notorious right-wing Popular Will party with the coup-mongering opposition leader Leopoldo López.

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