Omar, Tlaib, and the United States of Israel

By Kurt Nimmo

August 22, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - I’m trying to remember when Israel wasn’t the fifty-first state. It receives my tax money and a blank check by the United States government to torture, ethnically cleanse, and murder Palestinians.

Israelis are apparently more important and cherished than Americans, who are here just to pay the bills and donate their children for the next war cooked up by the Israel-first neocons and their Demopublican allies in Congress. It is now approaching a time when criticizing Israel for its abhorrent behavior will be illegal, a punishable crime. 

I’m not fond of the identity politics pushed by Rep. Omar and Tlaib. However, they are one hundred percent spot on about Israel. 

Rep. Omar is absolutely correct. Israel is not a democracy. It is more accurately described as a racist apartheid state where the indigenous inhabitants are compared to “drugged cockroaches in a bottle” (Gen. Raphael Eitan) and “beasts walking on two legs” (Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin). Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir told Zionist settlers in 1988 that Palestinians must be “crushed like grasshoppers,” while Ehud Barak dismissed them as hungry crocodiles. For the leaders of Israel, Palestinians are not even human. They’re insects, reptiles. 


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