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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Presidential Bid

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The Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presidential campaign was formally launched on April 19, 2023 when Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy says he seeks to put an end to corporate control of government.



ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR.: The general theme in my speech was this corrupt merger of state and corporate power, which has which is turning our country into a corporate kleptocracy. Into a system of... cushy socialism for the rich and this kind of brutal, merciless capitalism for the poor.

It keeps us in a state of war. It bails out banks at the same time that, you know, this month, last the United States government told 30 million people it was cutting their welfare check, their food stamp checks by 90%, it took it 15 million people off of Medicare. The same month, it gave $300 million dollars to the Silicon Valley Bank and tapped up the cost of the Ukraine war to $113 billion. We're sending $113 billion to the Ukraine. The entire budget of the EPA is $12 billion. The budget of CDC is $11 billion.

We have 57% of American citizens could not put their hands on a thousand dollars if they have an emergency. A quarter of our citizens are hungry.

So we're cutting welfare and food stamps by 90 percent, and we're paying and we're bailing out the bankers, we're paying for a war that, you know, we can't afford.

And the way that we do this is by printing money. We've printed 10 cneturies of money in the last 14 years. And that is what causes inflation, which raises food prices and which is a tax on the poor. You know, we've raised food prices for basic foods like chicken, dairy, and milk by 76% in the last two years. And now we're cutting people's food stamps and bailing out banks the same month. It doesn't make any sense and we need to get rid of this kind of corporate control government.

It comes from, you know, our democracy is devolving into a corporate plutocracy.

TUCKER CARLSON: I would think that what you just said, and I'll just be honest, I agree with most of it. But even if I didn't, I would think, boy, that's a really interesting thing to say. You have a coherent worldview. You've written a lot of books on these topics. You've clearly thought about it. You're not in for the money, so don't these issues deserve a wide hearing before the public entering a presidential year? It seems to me that they do.

ROBERT KENNEDY JR.: I would think they would, and particularly the issues of war. You know, my son went over and fought in Ukraine. As I said today, I think where, you know, people the most respected diplomatic gurus like Henry Kissinger and Jack Matlock, and Larry Wilkinson have all said that the Ukraine war is a huge problem for our country, because it, from a geopolitical standpoint, it's driving the Russians closer to the Chinese, which is the worst thing for us.

But we're there for the right reasons because we have tremendous compassion for the Ukrainian people and the illegal invasion, the brutality, and also their valor and their courage. My own son was serving over there. He joined a special forces unit as a machine gunner. He fought in the Kharkiv offensive.

Americans care about the underdog. They care about that kind of suffering. But the question is, why are we in the Ukraine? Because Lloyd Austin, the secretary of defense, said we're there to exhaust the Russians. President Biden has said that we're there to de-platform, to depose Vladimir Putin. And if that's why we're there and we're killing a lot of Ukraine, as pawns in a proxy war between two great powers.

Here's one last thing I would say. Nobody talks about this. There are 14,000 Ukrainian civilians who have died, but 300,000 troops. Russians are killing Ukrainians at a seven-to-one, eight-to one-ratio. They cannot sustain this. Well, what we're being told about this war is just not true.

Full Speech


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