Why Does the FBI Have
to Manufacture its Own Plots if
Terrorism and ISIS Are Such Grave
By Glenn Greenwald
February 27, 2015 "ICH"
- "The
Intercept" - -
FBI and
major media outlets yesterday trumpeted
the agency’s latest counterterrorism
triumph: the arrest of three Brooklyn
men, ages 19 to 30, on charges of
conspiring to travel to Syria to fight
for ISIS (photo of joint FBI/NYPD press
conference, above). As my colleague
Murtaza Hussain
ably documents, “it appears that
none of the three men was in any
condition to travel or support the
Islamic State, without help from the FBI
informant.” One of the frightening
terrorist villains told the FBI
informant that, beyond having no money,
he had encountered a significant problem
in following through on the FBI’s plot:
his mom had taken away his passport.
Noting the bizarre and unhinged ranting
of one of the suspects, Hussain
noted on Twitter that this case
“sounds like another victory for the FBI
over the mentally ill.”
In this regard, this
latest arrest appears to be quite
similar to the overwhelming majority of
terrorism arrests the FBI has proudly
touted over the last decade. As my
colleague Andrew Fishman and I
wrote last month — after the FBI
manipulated a 20-year-old loner who
lived with his parents into allegedly
agreeing to join an FBI-created plot to
attack the Capitol — these cases follow
a very clear pattern:
The known facts
from this latest case seem to fit
well within
a now-familiar FBI pattern
whereby the agency does not disrupt
planned domestic terror attacks but
rather creates them, then
publicly praises itself for stopping
its own plots.
First, they target
a Muslim: not due to any
evidence of intent or capability to
engage in terrorism, but rather for
the “radical” political views he
expresses. In most cases, the Muslim
targeted by the FBI is a very young
(late teens, early 20s), adrift,
unemployed loner who has shown no
signs of mastering basic life
functions, let alone carrying out
a serious terror attack, and has no
known involvement with actual
terrorist groups.
They then find
another Muslim who is highly
motivated to help disrupt a “terror
plot”: either because they’re being
paid substantial sums of money by
the FBI or because (as appears to be
the case here) they are charged with
some unrelated crime and are
desperate to please the FBI in
exchange for leniency (or both). The
FBI then gives the informant a
detailed attack plan, and sometimes
even the money and other
instruments to carry it out, and the
informant then shares all of that
with the target. Typically, the
informant also induces, lures,
cajoles, and persuades the target to
agree to carry out the FBI-designed
plot. In some instances where the
target refuses to go along, they
have their informant offer huge cash
inducements to the impoverished
Once they finally
get the target to agree, the FBI
swoops in at the last minute,
arrests the target, issues a press
release praising themselves for
disrupting a dangerous attack (which
it conceived of, funded, and
recruited the operatives for), and
the DOJ and federal judges send
their target to prison for years or
even decades (where they are kept in
special GITMO-like units). Subservient
U.S. courts uphold the charges by
applying such
a broad and permissive
interpretation of
“entrapment” that it could almost
never be successfully invoked.
again, we should all pause for a moment
to thank the brave men and women of the
FBI for saving us from their own terror

One can, if one really
wishes, debate whether the FBI should be
engaging in such behavior. For reasons I
many others have repeatedly argued,
these cases are unjust in the extreme: a
form of pre-emptory prosecution
where vulnerable individuals are
targeted and manipulated not for any
criminal acts they have committed but
rather for the bad political views they
have expressed. They end up sending
young people to prison for decades for
“crimes” which even their sentencing
judges acknowledge they never would have
seriously considered, let alone
committed, in the absence of FBI
trickery. It’s hard to imagine anyone
thinking this is a justifiable tactic,
but I’m certain there are people who
believe that. Let’s leave that question
to the side for the moment in favor of a
different issue.
We’re constantly
bombarded with
dire warnings about the grave threat
of home-grown terrorists, “lone wolf”
extremists and ISIS. So intensified are
these official warnings that The New
York Times earlier this month
cited anonymous U.S.
intelligence officials to warn of
the growing ISIS threat and announce
“the prospect of a new global war on
But how serious of a
threat can all of this be, at least
domestically, if the FBI continually has
to resort to manufacturing its own plots
by trolling the Internet in search of
young drifters and/or the mentally ill
whom they target, recruit and then
manipulate into joining? Does that not,
by itself, demonstrate how over-hyped
and insubstantial this “threat” actually
is? Shouldn’t there be actual plots,
ones that are created and fueled without
the help of the FBI, that the agency
should devote its massive resources to
This FBI tactic would
be akin to having the Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) constantly warn of the
severe threat posed by drug
addiction while it simultaneously uses
pushers on its payroll to deliberately
get people hooked on drugs so that they
can arrest the addicts they’ve created
and thus justify their own warnings and
budgets (and that kind of
threat-creation, just by the way, is not
all that far off from what the other
federal law enforcement agencies, like
the FBI, are actually
doing). As we noted the last time we
wrote about this, the Justice Department
aggressively pressuring U.S. allies
to employ these same entrapment tactics
in order to create their own terrorists,
who can then be paraded around as proof
of the grave threat.
Threats that are real,
and substantial, do not need to be
manufactured and concocted. Indeed, as
the blogger Digby, citing
Juan Cole,
recently showed, run-of-the-mill
“lone wolf” gun violence is so much of a
greater threat to Americans than
“domestic terror” by every statistical
metric that it’s almost impossible to
overstate the disparity:

In that regard, it is
not difficult to understand
why “domestic terror” and “homegrown
extremism” are things the FBI is
desperately determined to create. But
this FBI terror-plot concoction should,
by itself, suffice to demonstrate how
wildly exaggerated this threat actually
Photo: Mary
The ACLU of Massachusetts’s Kade
notes this extraordinarily revealing
quote from former FBI assistant director
Thomas Fuentes, as he defends one of the
worst FBI terror “sting” operations of
all (the Cromitie prosecution we
describe at length
If you’re
submitting budget proposals for a
law enforcement agency, for an
intelligence agency, you’re not
going to submit the proposal that
“We won the war on terror and
everything’s great,” cuz the first
thing that’s gonna happen is your
budget’s gonna be cut in half. You
know, it’s my opposite of Jesse
Jackson’s ‘Keep Hope Alive’—it’s
‘Keep Fear Alive.’ Keep it alive.
That is the FBI’s
terrorism strategy — keep fear alive —
and it drives everything they do.
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