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Recombinant DNA

By Paul Edwards

The big public news force-fed to the hoi polloi is that diabolical Putin’s Russkies were behind the DNC hack, and stalwart, diehard Republicans are jumping the Trump ship in droves and lining up “with her”.

These two incontestables mean first, that whatever the DNC actually did was not reprehensible, its exposure was; and second, that in the judgment of sane men--and yes, women--Hillary is the salvation of American Empire.

One may be forgiven for scepticism on these matters. What’s not in doubt is the temblor shifting the tectonic plates under our political Funhouse.

Trump--partly accidentallly, but only partly--has crowned himself the anti-Empire candidate, and the full-throated Wagnerian arias of vilification lately bellowed during Hillary’s apotheosis damned him as exactly that.

It follows that the entire upper echelon of the American Imperial System-- i.e., the north end of the 1%, and the Corporate Tyranny that owns us must--since all its cosmetic, decorative elements have been stripped away by the Naked Singularity himself--get real and assert its core interests.

For Dem tycoons, it’s habit. They stand behind Hill for Imperial hegemony and Full Spectrum Dominance wherever money can be extorted, always the case in our squalid, half-assed military debacles. They get that looting nations and winning wars are not the same, and only one of them matters.

For Repub Capos it’s a stickier wicket but not much. For a Conservative to even consider backing a Democrat, and a Clinton at that, would have been unthinkable last May, but since no Republicans actually are conservative, they figure why cling to yesterday, and they go with their lack of principles.

What horrifies them in Trump is not his racism, sexism, or crudity: those are their hole cards, beloved of their Redneck Division. What actually outrages them is that in knocking imperialism, policing the world and puppeteering NATO and Japan, in shrinking empire and friending Russia, he threatens directly the War Machine and its limitless sugar tit from Congress.

Hill, on the pleasing other hand, offers continuation of the transfer of untold amounts of money directly from the public purse to the monster “defense” industry, all of whose efforts at defense are expended on its own behalf, standing strong for larceny, rapine and profit, so long as it’s theirs.

This anti-Empire kink of Trump’s is the real reason, behind their mock fury and blather, that the Kristols and Kagans, patrician Senatorial hacks, and elegant, pedigreed burglars like the Kochs, as well as their Den Mother, Reince Prepuce, are seeing bright, new promise in Commandante Hill.

So, grant most Establishment Money backs her. The only way she wins even then is in drawing big support from both nominal Demoprogs, who detest her and her lyin‘ eyes, as well as from Independents, most of whom neither stand to benefit from her noblesse nor kvell at her lady machismo.

The double bind, though, for the CEOs of the .01% and their political staff--our Congress--is that their reasons for breaking the ultimate Glass Ceiling with Hillary do not resonate worth a damn with the huge mass of the angry, uneducated, underpaid underclass that has always formed the bulk of the infantry of the Greedy Old Party, and most of that of the Dems. They’re mad as hell and are not going to take it anymore, not for another Clinton.

This means the terminal splitting of the Republican Party as we’ve borne it, with the hardknuckle mass abandoning the Hedge Fund Barons for Trump. Joining them will be most of the Bluecollar Reagan Democrat types.

On the Dem side there will occur formation, finally, of one unified party of wealth and privilege: the Ruling Class Party. It will have, for a time, the loyalty of most educated Progressives, the skeleton of abused Organized Labor, Boomer geezer idealists who just never learn, and much of hopeful, sold out youth who, with Sanders’ capitulation, have no one else to love.

Will that shaky, mismatched coalition bring her home? It could, but it’s not the slam dunk the MSM noise machine and the polling geniuses are selling.

The vast majority of Americans have been deceived, defrauded, and dealt out by a system that cares nothing for them and takes no trouble to hide it. They are learning. Beware, Privileged Ones: your Great Beast is rising.

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at: hgmnude@bresnan.net

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